Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls NP, part of the greater Murchison Falls Conservation Area (MFCA), offers excellent wildlife viewing. The Victoria Nile bisects the park and boat trips to the spectacular Murchison Falls are a highlight – especially if you hike to the top where the immense power of the Falls is best appreciated.

Wildlife Highlights

Large herds of the localized Rothschild's giraffe are found in the park and leopard, though far from numerous, is most likely to be seen in the vicinity of Pakuba Lodge. Troops of the rare Pata's monkey can sometimes be spotted on the grassy plains and chimpanzee can be tracked in neighboring Budongo Forest.

The park supports four of the Big Five; only rhino are absent. Buffalo and elephant are particularly common. There is a very healthy population of lion that likes to prey on the abundant Uganda kob. Other antelope found here are oribi, Jackson's hartebeest, Defassa waterbuck, grey duiker and bushbuck. The Victoria Nile teems with crocodile and hippo.
White RhinoNone
Black RhinoNone


Wild DogNone
Murchison Falls NP is one of the best places in Africa to find the prehistoric-looking shoebill stork. Sightings of this bird are almost guaranteed on a boat trip on the Victoria Nile towards the Lake Albert delta. This boat trip, as well as the more popular ‘launch’ trip towards Murchison Falls, are, in fact, great for checking off many water-associated birds. The park’s impressive checklist contains more than 450 species in total. Migratory birds are present from November to April.
Notable Birds in Murchison Falls NP
Abyssinian ground hornbill

Black-headed lapwing
mystery gorilla safaris birds
Grey crowned crane

mystery gorilla safaris birds
Senegal thick-knee
mystery gorilla safaris birds

Birding SpecialsTreats for Avid Birders

  • Abyssinian ground hornbill
  • African jacana
  • African quailfinch
  • Black-billed barbet
  • Black-headed gonolek
  • Black-headed lapwing
  • Blue-headed coucal
  • Denham’s bustard
  • Eastern grey plantain-eater
  • Giant kingfisher
  • Goliath heron
  • Malachite kingfisher
  • Palm-nut vulture
  • Piapiac
  • Red-throated bee-eater
  • Shoebill
  • Silverbird
  • Speckle-fronted weaver
  • Squacco heron
  • Swamp flycatcher
  • White-browed sparrow-weaver

  • Watching wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park is generally good and at its best during the Dry season, from December to February. However, January and February can be very hot and scenery is more beautiful during the Wet season from June to November.

    Best Time -December to February (Easier to spot animals)

    High Season -June to September (The peak time for gorilla trekking, more people visit Uganda and Murchison Falls NP)

    Low Season -March, April, May, October and November (High rainfall could lead to accommodations closing in other parks)

    Best Weather -June and July (Less rain and lower temperatures)

    Worst Weather -April, May and August to October (Higher rainfall, but seldom enough to interfere with your safari)
